Loch an Dúin walk
- 4.6 km / 4 miles
- 2-3 hours
- Easy
Translating as “The Lake of the Fort” (Loch An Duin), traversing mostly flat terrain is the perfect walk for a day out with the family, traversing mostly flat terrain.
With stunning mountain and valley views and an array of historical monuments from different historical epochs, the Loch An Duin walk has everything for lovers of nature, geology and archaeology. Bronze Age structures and artefacts to be discovered on the route include wedge tombs, standing stones, rock art, fulacht fiadh, a fortified island, 12 km of prehistoric pre-bog field walls. Of interest also is the recently discovered equinox connection with the 4,000-year-old wedge and the recently discovered “The Giant’s Grave”, .
The trail starts and ends at the Kilmore Cross and is well marked along the way.
Click here to read an article about prehistoric settlements in the Loch an Dùin Valley.